Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mission Trip Day 14, Mar 11

After a huge breakfast at Blanca’s house, we all loaded into our two trucks and made our way back to Caranavi. This time I don’t think anyone got sick, on the road, but we were entirely covered in dust! It is amazing to see the landscape of Bolivia, especially as it quickly changes from the Arizona-esque landscape of La Paz to the drastic and cloudy cliffs of the Cumbre, to the green, exotic hills of the Yungas (outskirts of the Bolivian jungle). When we got home, I took a long, cold shower trying to get all of the dust out of my ears and stuff. Though some people were ready to get back to Caranavi, I must admit I was sad to be back. I loved the trip and wish it never needed to end. Silver lining: it was SO good to put on clean clothes and not wear two or three pairs of pants, as many shirts as I had, and my jacket anymore!

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