Last week I looked up our hotel in GoogleMaps. I zoomed in with the satellite viewer, looking for trails to run on. I brought clothes I could run in outside, expecting rain, or inside on a treadmill. I was ready.
It was cold and rainy almost the whole time we were in Mooresville, so I was thankful for the treadmills. There weren't sidewalks or side roads anywhere near our hotel, so I was doubly thankful for the treadmills.
We had pockets of time in which I could run and experience a stairclimber for the first time (apparently I climbed 150 flights of stairs, but I am certain I couldn't have done that on real stairs!). I was so thankful for the treadmills and the attached televisions. CMT's music videos provided a great source of entertainment (minus the overkill on commercials). It was my first time running on a treadmill since the first week of my marathon training, and probably only the second time in over a year (?). Last January the treadmill didn't agree with me, but this time it was a real blessing to have nice equipment at our hotel. Otherwise, there was no way I was going to go out to run in the freezing rain!
Because of using the treadmill and not having a ton of time to run, I decided to re-order my running schedule for the week. I did 5 miles, then 4 miles. Tomorrow, now that I am back home, I have 9 miles, and then a new distance: 18 miles on Thursday. I have a lot of catching up on sleep and ice/rest for the knees before I am ready for the 18 miler. But I am excited to conquer a new distance!
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