Saturday, May 2, 2009

Entre Rios: May's Location

Things I love about Entre Rios:
Our lawn mower and fertilizer is a horse.
Our rat chaser is a cat.
A hot shower in the boys bathroom…which I use.
FOUR sinks in which to do laundry!
We take turns cooking…and so far I have not been in the rotation!
A pretty park near our house with roses and benches
Adventure possibilities twice a week with the missionaries that live here (some Bolivian, some not) that go out to surrounding areas twice a week.
PAVED ROADS!! Though some think this is terrible, I just love it.
We are in town, so I can walk to the internet, stores, plaza, etc, whenever I want!
8 HUGE palm trees in the plaza

Things that could make a great Entre Rios even better:
After months in the rainy season in Caranavi, we arrived in Entre Rios just in time to begin THEIR rainy season with them…shoot!
Rooster wake-up calls begin at 3 am.
There is no sink in the bathroom.


Kristin said...

you are fantastic, beautiful, and I miss you. Thanks for sharing Bolivia with us!! (I miss Bolivia too)

Camille said...

Agreed. Love you.